accessorizing with emily june

Accessorizing your home is the perfect way to take a design from good to great! In my opinion, your house isn’t truly a home until you accessorize it with your favorite items. When accessorizing any space, there are so many options on what items to use and how to use them. Old or new, big or small, meaningful or not… accessorizing with items that speak to your interests and your style is so important!

Keep reading to read some of my accessorizing tips and learn my favorite ways to style a space!

group your collections together

Style with a collection! Grouping a large collection of small items together is a great way to create a statement in any space. Using items that are the same material or have the same finish creates a cohesive look, but incorporating different heights and shapes can create more visual interest. If you group a large collection of items together that are all exactly the same, you will not achieve the same effect.

add life to your space with greenery

Adding any kind of greenery into your home is a great way to freshen up any space. Fresh flowers can brighten up your day and your home! Plants can bring life into your space and they add a type of sculpture element, and what’s better than a plant baby?

style items in groups of 3

Odd numbers appear throughout nature, so it is natural for our eye to be more drawn to accessories that are arranged in groups of 3’s. Styling items in groups of 3’s leaves so much room for creativity because you can combine items of different materials, shapes, sizes, styles… it’s up to you! Grouping accessories this way creates more visual interest than if these items were displayed on their own.

elevate your space using books

Accessorizing a coffee table with books is classic and will never go out of style! Stacking books to create an elevated surface for other accessories is always a fun option, but you can also style your table with books on their own. Old or new, bright or neutral, big or small: there are no limits to what kind of books you can use! Using books is a simple and beautiful way to add color and dimension to your home.

Emily Spanos