spring cleaning

It’s that time of year… spring cleaning! For many people, deep cleaning is not fun at all but that doesn’t mean it needs to be difficult too. We have a lot of useful tips that we want to share about how to efficiently declutter and clean your home, so keep reading! We’re all in this together!

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clean room by room

Focusing on one room at a time will ensure that all of your focus goes into cleaning and organizing that specific space. If you want to be even more effective with your spring cleaning, write a checklist of things that you want to accomplish when cleaning each room so that you can be more efficient with your time!

say goodbye to the clutter

Before you can deep clean a room, you have to do something with all of the clutter! An easy way to do this is by using the “4 Container Method” in which you will have four different containers labeled: trash, give away, storage, and put away. When you start decluttering a room, take the time to go through each item and sort it in the bins, you’ll thank yourself later!

  • TRASH: The “trash bin” should be for broken items, trash (obviously), and for items that you do not want anymore but are not necessarily worth donating.

  • GIVE AWAY: The “give away” bin is for items that you do not need or want anymore and you can either take these items to donate, or you can try selling some of your items. Either way, if you don’t have a need for it anymore, get it out of your house! There are plenty of places to donate items to, and plenty of apps where you can sell clothing, furniture, accessories etc.

  • STORAGE: The “storage bin” is for items that you want to keep maybe for sentimental reasons, but that you don’t need on a regular basis. When you are done, store this bin in your attic or in a closet so you still have access to it but it will be out of your way. Make sure to organize these storage bins so that it is easy to find what you need when the time comes.

  • PUT AWAY: The “put away” bin is for items that you use on a regular basis. When you are putting these items away, make sure that you have a definitive place for everything to avoid cluttering up your space again. This bin should be the bin with the least amount of stuff since it will be full of things that you use everyday. You don’t want your space to be over cluttered with things that you don’t use often!

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Stop putting it off… organize that closet!

Since your closet is where a majority of your items are, following steps to organize it and blocking off a good amount of time is essential.

  • STEP 1: Take everything out of your closet (yes, everything!) and clean your closet. I mean reaaally clean it: vacuum, dust, mop, clean the shelves, wipe the baseboards… it will probably be a while before you deep clean your closet like this again since it isn’t really a routine task, so do it the right way!

  • STEP 2: Try on every single piece of clothing that you took out of your closet. This will probably be time consuming so maybe you want to dedicate one specific weekend to tackling your closet. Why do you need to keep the dress that you haven’t worn in 6 years, or the shirt that doesn’t fit you and keeps getting pushed to the back of your closet, or the shoes that are so uncomfortable that you can’t stand to wear them? Get rid of all of those kind of items! Your closet should be filled with clothes that fit you well and make you feel comfortable and confident.

  • STEP 3: Re-organize your closet. When you start putting things back into your closet, think about the most practical way to organize everything. Where will you put your shoes? How will you hang your clothes? Are you going to hang clothes by category or are you going to color coordinate all of your pieces? Asking yourself these questions is important because one organization style doesn’t work for everybody, so organize your closet the way that you see yourself using it.

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it’s not fun but it’s worth it… clean that kitchen!

Deep cleaning your kitchen can be a daunting task, but you can do it!

  • CABINETS: Start by taking everything out of your cabinets (top and bottom) and group the similar things together. If you haven’t organized your kitchen in a while, you may find that a lot of things are out of place! By taking everything out of the cabinets, you have a clean slate to reorganize and put items where they go. When you are going through the items, set things aside that you either want to throw away or donate. Do you really need that coffee mug that has a broken handle? Do you need that spaghetti-stained tupperware? Do you have to keep the set of measuring cups that is missing half of the sizes? Declutter your kitchen by tossing these things! Before you start putting things back into cabinets, take the time to wipe out the cabinets and clean them, you’ll be thankful you did!

  • REFRIGERATOR: Does anyone like deep cleaning their refrigerator? Probably not, but you’ll be thankful if you take the time to do it! Take everything out of the refrigerator and throw out all of the expired items. While your refrigerator is empty, take out the removable parts and clean them in the sink. Wipe out your refrigerator and clean it to make it look brand new! When putting everything back into your refrigerator, be intentional with where you put things so that they are easy to get to. This will help make sure that you keep it organized and minimize the amount of expired items that you will have in there next time you decide to deep clean it!

  • APPLIANCES: Taking the time to deep clean all of your appliances will make your kitchen feel like it is brand new. Clean the inside and the outside of the microwave, dishwasher, oven, toaster, coffee pot… everything! You’ll be happy that you did.

Emily Spanos