Wallpaper can be one of the easiest and most fun ways to create an accent wall within your existing home. The great thing about wallpaper is that they come in all colors, patterns, and price ranges! There are even peel-and-stick wallpapers for people that are renting a space and need a less permanent solution. There are so many options with wallpaper that sometimes it can be a challenge to pick the perfect one! As Emily of Emily June Design likes to say, “Wallpaper brings a lot of personality to a space, so it’s important that the wallpaper you choose matches yours!”
For this design we wanted to create a softer aesthetic with hints of natural elements, so we chose a wallpaper with a soft blue tone and a floral design that allowed us to utilize color throughout the rest of the space! We included pops of a light orange color and natural wooden elements to create a design that was airy and organic. The wallpaper accent wall creates a fun backdrop for the serene bedroom space, and draws your eye to the most beautiful part of the room!
Design by: @emilyjunedesigns
Photo by: @kerrykirkphoto